Visi Ponpes Al-Mizan

Al-Mizan sebagai pesantren prosfektif yang mampu mencetak santri berakhlaq mulia, berbadan sehat, kreatif, berpengetahuan luas dan berfikiran terbuka, berjiwa ikhlas, kebersahajaan, berukhuwah Islamiyah dan berdikari.

Misi Pondok Pesantren Modern Al-Mizan

  1. Being a place in building spiritual values ​​and moral glory through the process of guidance and learning.
  2. Inculcating understanding and awareness of the meaning of 'lillah' , the meaning of charity, the meaning of taqwa, and sincerity as a torch that will bring the light of Islam
  3. Organizing sports and arts activities in a focused and professional manner, as well as providing representative facilities and infrastructure.
  4. Build a strong, steadfast soul, and be able to master yourself through a simple and humble lifestyle.
  5. Building superior human resources that have intellectual capacity and professional readiness with a balance of religious and general knowledge
  6. Educating students to be good at appreciating the ideas and thoughts of others independently with clear and strong ground of thought.
  7. Building a creative soul to have the ability as a motivator, integrator and stabilizer for society
  8. Together with the sisrem of democracy and the fabric of religious feelings both within and outside the pesantren.
  9. Instilling openness in thinking, doing, and determining the future in choosing the way of life in society.

Tujuan Ponpes Al-Mizan

Sebagai lembaga pendidikan Islam yang berorientasi pada masyarakat (approach social oriented) maka Pondok Pesantren Modern Al-Mizan menetapkan arah dan tujuan pendidikan kepada pembentukan pribadi-pribadi yang :

  1. Cinta kepada Islam, Nusa dan Bangsa.
  2. Berakhlaq mulia.
  3. Berbadan sehat, berpengetahuan luas dan berfikiran bebas.
  4. Berjiwa keikhlasan, kesederhanan, ukhuwah islamiyah, kebebasan dan menolong diri sendiri.
  5. Mengutamakan keseimbangan antara ilmu dan amal.
  6. Siap terjun ke masyarakat meneruskan estafet perjuangan ulama sebagai syuhada alannas dalam rangka menegakan kalimat Allah SWT.